Parents and school leaders are passionate about where their students attend school and often want to support the needs of a local school. There are a couple of ways individuals can support their local school. Through the Cobb Schools Foundation, every school can participate in the All In Campaign which happens on an annual basis. Each school principal may choose to share giving opportunities with the families that attend their school and contributions will go directly to support that school – these are Designated Local School Funds. Our greatest needs throughout Cobb Schools center around advancing student potential by preparing them for post-secondary education or careers, providing learning interventions, and supporting family stabilization efforts.
If there is a strong network of parents who would like to support their principal in developing a specific Annual Campaign and define the needs of their school, they may form an Advisory Board. The advisory board may coordinate fundraising efforts in alignment with the strategic vision for that particular school. Fundraising objectives and priorities should all seek to support the mission of their local school and align with the priorities of the CCSD Strategic Plan.