A rising Freshman of Wheeler High School reached out to the Cobb Schools Foundation in the spring, he wanted to learn more about helping students access needed technology. This amazing student is an Eagle Scout through Boy Scouts of America and is dedicated to becoming an all-around exceptional citizen and scout.
Boy Scouts of America has been around for 110 years. Becoming an Eagle Scout is the highest achievement within the organization. The National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) helps transform the lives of youth through developing their leadership skills, character, citizenship, and physical fitness.
When the pandemic caused the closing of all schools in March of 2020, this Wheeler student didn’t miss a beat with his studies, but it weighed heavily on his heart how other students, who didn’t have technology at home, would continue their learning.
This student reached out to the Cobb Schools Foundation to learn more about some of the articles he had seen in the local news about fundraising for devices. Being an avid video gamer and youtuber, he reached out to his scout leader, Kevin Wilson, about coordinating a fundraiser to benefit students at Mabry Middle School and his soon-to-be high school, Wheeler High School.
An online Minecraft gaming fundraiser was established and with the entry fees and community donations, he was able to raise enough funds to purchase five (5) Chromebooks.
“Having a Cobb student come forward with the idea and desire to help other classmates has been so refreshing and motivating for me personally. [This student] is a really awesome kid in my book! Many Cobb students throughout the county come from economically disadvantaged homes and may not even be aware that the community is supporting them in ways like never before, let alone a fellow student,”
said Felicia Wagner of the Cobb Schools Foundation.
With the announcement of continued virtual learning for the start of the fall semester, every device is needed and used by those receiving them. The Cobb County School District provided over 30,000 loaner laptops to students during the first week before school began. The Cobb Schools Foundation continues to raise funds for the growing need. Devices provided through philanthropy go to students who qualify for free and reduced lunch and the devices are theirs to keep.
“The pandemic has created challenges that needed immediate solutions without a lot of additional resources. We are grateful for funds such as the CARES Act that has made digital learning more accessible, giving us the ability to assess students for current learning needs and potential learning gaps. We know that some remediation will be needed and as we mature in our CTLS platform we can be more prescriptive in our ability to assess and remediate if needed. Our schools cannot begin to imagine our vision of every student having success without the support from our community. The fact that a student of ours had it in him to help his fellow classmates is something that I know his parents are proud of, but as Superintendent, I am extremely proud of,”
said Chris Ragsdale Superintendent of Cobb County Schools.